Kliniskt aktiva läkare och vägledare som ägnar sig åt riskprediktion avseende ärftlig bröst-/äggstockscancer i allmänhet, och BOADICEA i synnerhet, inbjuds att deltaga i nedanstående enkät som organiseras inom det EU-finansierade forskningsprogrammet BRIDGES.


Dear Colleague,

We invite you to answer to the following survey (website link below) addressing your practice in the context of breast and ovarian cancer risk genetic predisposition.

Cancer risk prediction models are currently undergoing major development. We are interested in your experience with the use of one (or more) of these models and in particular with the BOADICEA tool and web application.

You may have already answered to this survey which is accessible on the BOADICEA website or by receiving an email about this survey from Alex Cunningham. In that case, don’t proceed with this message. We thank you very much for answering this survey.

If not, please could you share your thoughts by completing the web survey accessible here:

If you don’t know the BOADICEA risk prediction model or website tool, just skip the section inquiring of about it to answer the following and last section of the survey.   

This survey is being conducted by colleagues in Cologne University and the Curie Institute.

Many thanks for your support.