Disputation: Rebecka Pestoff

SFMG-medlemmen Rebecka Pestoff försvarar sin avhandling ”Improving Access and Quality of Genetic Counselling in Clinical Care in Sweden: The Value of eHealth Solutions and a Validated Outcome Measure” den 1 juni 2023 kl 13.00 vid Linköpings universitet. Disputationen sänds också via Zoom på länk: https://liu-se.zoom.us/j/68786262913?pwd=aU5VZDZ2K1E1T3pDZU1TVDhNVmgrdz09
Passcode: 576283

Webinar – Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer

Svetlana Bajalica Lagercrantz meddelar:

Den 20 maj kl 16-17 är det dags för det andra webinaret från det Europeiska Referensnätverket för Ärftliga tumörrisk syndrom ERN GENTURIS. Denna gång är det Ass Prof Marc Tischkowitz, Cambridge som skall tala om ”Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer – BRCA1, BRCA2 and the basics”.

Undervisningsserien år perfekt för underläkare och ST-läkare samt genetiska vägledare och andra intresserade inom cancergenetiken.
Varmt välkomna att delta!

Kostnadsfri anmälan sker via denna länk: https://www.genturis.eu/l=eng/Education-and-Training/Webinars.html

ERN GENTURIS Webinar 20 May - Hereditary Breast And Ovarian Cancer, BRCA1, BRCA2 And The Basics
ERN GENTURIS Webinar 20 May - Hereditary Breast And Ovarian Cancer, BRCA1, BRCA2 And The Basics
101.1 KiB

Kvalitetsrunda TP53 vid KLL

Information via Richard Rosenquist-Brandell:

Dear Colleagues,
As you might be aware, ERIC aims at promoting and/or advancing the assessment of TP53 gene aberrations for diagnostic purposes also through the assessment and survey of the quality of the techniques utilized in Diagnostic Laboratories, to ensure reliable and comparable results among different institutions in Europe, and elsewhere. Please refer to http://www.ericll.org/pages/networks/tp53network/aims_network for more details.

We are pleased to inform you that ERIC is starting additional rounds of the external quality assessment in laboratory diagnostics of CLL aimed at TP53 mutation analysis. The next will be organized by S. Stilgenbauer and E. Tausch (Ulm, Germany) and will take place starting September 2015, while another one is planned for the beginning of 2016.

If your laboratory already participated and received the ERIC accreditation at the beginning of this year you do not need to reapply. The accreditation is valid for two years.

Here is the link to the TP53 application form and questionnaire. Please enter and provide all necessary data.

The deadline to participate in the next round is 15 September 2015. After that date you will be contacted by the EQA organizers regarding the sample shipment. For the 2016 round you will be receiving another announcement with the new deadline.

We hope you find this ERIC activity useful for your diagnostic procedures and look forward to receiving your applications. Of course if you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact us any time.
Kind regards,

ERIC Executive Office
