Symposium Epigenetisk reglering i leukemier, Uppsala 13/10

SciLifeLab i Uppsala arrangerar ett symposium i Uppsala 13 oktober enligt denna inbjudan:

Welcome to the symposium Epigenetic regulation in myeloid and lymphoid malignancies
Svedbergsalen (B8), BMC, Uppsala, October 13

Hematological malignancies, i.e. leukemias, lymphomas and myelomas, are clinically and biologically heterogeneous groups of tumors, which is reflected by the ever increasing number of new subgroups defined in the WHO classification. Besides genetics, it has become evident that epigenetics is a key field also within hematological malignancies. In the last decade, the focus has been aberrant DNA methylation, but it has become evident that many other types of epigenetic modifications are equally important for the pathobiology of these complex diseases. Furthermore, epigenetic therapy has already been introduced in the clinical setting, at least for particular subgroups of patients with hematological malignancies.

During this SciLifeLab symposium we will gather international expertise that will

* cover different forms of epigenetic regulation in both normal and malignant hematopoiesis

* give state-of-the-art lectures about the epigenetic landscape in leukemias and lymphomas, with particular focus on acute myeloid leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia and malignant lymphomas

* introduce novel technologies for detailed analysis of epigenetic events/gene regulation

* detail the clinical relevance of epigenetic modifications and provide future directions regarding epigenetic therapy

This exciting SciLifeLab symposium will be held at Biomedicinskt centrum in Uppsala, Monday October 13 2014, and is free of charge (on first come basis).

Registration deadline: October 1 2014

Scientific Committee

Helena Jernberg-Wiklund, Jessica Nordlund, Sören Lehmann, Richard Rosenquist

Program Epigenetics Meeting Uppsala October 13
Program Epigenetics Meeting Uppsala October 13
Program-Epigenetics-Meeting-Uppsala October 13.pdf
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