Föreläsning om Li-Fraumeni syndrom 5/5, Stockholm och online

Professor David Malkin, barnonkolog från Hosp Sick Children, Toronto, föreläser på Karolinska Institutet fredagen den 5 Maj kl 9-10; Li-Fraumeni Syndrome: Closing in on the Holy Grail for Early Cancer Detection and Prevention.

Han var den som kopplade ihop TP53 som orsak till Li Fraumeni Syndrom!
Prof Malkin kommer vara opponent på Meis Omrans disputation som följer direkt efter hans föreläsning.

Professor David Malkin will give a presentation on May 5th, 9-10 AM in connection with the PhD dissertation of Meis Omran in which he will be the opponent.

Title of the presentation:
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome: Closing in on the Holy Grail for Early Cancer Detection and Prevention

Welcome to join at: BioClinicum, J3:11 Birger & Margareta Blombäck, Solnavägen 30
Or via zoom: https://ki-se.zoom.us/j/64150378811?pwd=cUx3d0NLQm1xcko3a2R6eG9ENVFjdz09

Professor David Malkin is senior consultant and Pediatic oncologist at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto and leads a research team at University of Toronto, Canada, and is well renomated in the field of germline TP53 and Li-Fraumeni Syndrome. During his post-doctoral research training in molecular genetics at Harvard University, he discovered the link between germline mutations in the TP53 tumor suppressor gene and the Li-Fraumeni cancer susceptibility syndrome.

Professor Malkin’s research is closely integrated with his clinical field of expertise. Specifically, his research program focuses primarily on genetic mechanisms of childhood cancer susceptibility and the genetic basis of childhood sarcomas (cancers of bone, muscle and other soft tissues). His research program focuses on understanding the genetic and genomic mechanisms of childhood cancer susceptibility. Recently, his work has addressed the application of genomics to develop rational clinical surveillance and treatment guidelines for children and adults at genetic “high risk” for cancer. Specific research areas include:

• Development of innovative clinical and molecular biomarker (circulating tumor DNA) approaches for early cancer detection in carriers of germline TP53 mutations (Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS)).
• Exploration and implementation of pharmacologic interventions to inhibit tumor formation in Trp53-mutant animal models and human TP53 mutation carriers.
• Identification of (epi) genomic events that modify tumor age of onset and phenotype in TP53 mutation carriers.
• Implementation of precision oncologyplatforms, integrating next generation sequencing with novel clinical trial design, for children with difficult-to-treat cancer.